I may have been ever so slightly rash with a decision yesterday that I am slightly regretting today…In a sudden flash of semi-rage I decided to delete all but 2 of my blogs. Full on, never to be retrieved, DELETED.
Now I’ve never pretended to be a good blogger, in fact the latest one was well over 12 months old, and the photos made me cringe. I couldn’t help but notice how far I have come since I last posted, and what a huge difference in the quality of my images, and development of the Louy Magroos brand.

SO instead of regretting my sudden recklessness, I am celebrating it!
But first a little look at what I (mainly my husband) have been building and working on to really get myself set up for this fresh start….MY NEW JEWELLERY MAKING WORKSHOP.
This post is not really about content but a reminder to me that what I am building is going to be something I am really proud of, and something to celebrate!
So we started of with a workshop with wobbly walls… A wall made out of old scraps of staircase banister, I kid you not! Throw in a carpet so old it was turning to powder, and window frames so drafty I repeatedly checked I’d not left a window open... not exactly the recipe for a productive happy jeweller. So under the watchful eye of Foreman Bruce we literally kicked the **** out of it!
My Dad and my favourite neighbour (Mick the Brick) rebuilt that wall and by god with the amount of wood (not banister) and screws that went into it, the rest of the house could fall down, but that wall will still be standing strong.
I then managed to keep a couple more family members hostage for a weekend to paint and skirting board the room….
THREE (why Is it never just one?) trips to Ikea later and we had kitchen cupboards to store all my tools and business paraphernalia in.
Which only left the “THE JOIN” on the worktop to do. I could see the grey hairs appearing on Mike, helped along by my saying "don't cut it wrong, I can't take another Ikea trip!'
If I didn’t post at least a couple of shots of "THE JOIN" Mike may have packed up and left me…he fondly reminisces about the join most days. Anybody who visits gets shown "THE JOIN" whether they are interested or not...
Bruce helped build the cupboards by eating a couple of the pieces needed in the flat pack packages(at least one extra trip to Ikea was thanks to Bruce, helpful as usual.
And then the real fun started, getting all my tools and machinery and … (I cant think of the word to describe the rest of it, Mike would probably call it junk) … other bits all back in the room, making it workable for me and most importantly a bright and happy place to be.
Whilst all this work was going on I was doing what any other self respecting creative would do and took to Pinterest! If you want to look at other jewellers workshops that inspired mine, with cleaver storage ideas and pretty finishing touches checkout my board below.
My next post will be the finished thing so check back or scroll to the next article to see how it all turned out.
- Laura
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